Web conferencing details provided upon confirmation.

An AI-Powered Funnel consisting of a Google PPC campaign generates inbound leads at a cost of $73 each.

Leads click through our ads, sending them to a landing page, where they submit contact info for a free quote.

The AI Sales Assistant then follows up within 30-seconds via SMS, engages the leads in conversation, qualifies and either warm transfers or books an appointment for the sales team to close.

The following are two conversations originating from a PPC campaign that produced $1.1M new opportunities in less than 24-hours.

The AI follows up multiple times keeping the lead engaged and the conversation moving forward while

extracting vital information.

AI Conversation July 20th 2024

Lead cost - $73.00


An AI-Powered Funnel consisting of a Google PPC campaign generates inbound leads at a cost of $77.86 each.

Leads click through our ads, sending them to a landing page, where they submit contact info for a free quote.

The AI Sales Assistant then follows up within 30-seconds via SMS, engages the leads in conversation, qualifies and either warm transfers or books an appointment for the sales team to close.

The following are two conversations originating from a PPC campaign that produced $1.1M new opportunities in less than 24-hours.

The AI follows up multiple times keeping the lead engaged and the conversation moving forward while

extracting vital information.

AI Conversation #1 April 19th-20th 2024

Inbound Google lead

$13,000 initial contract for plans & engineering + $275k construction

Lead cost $77.86

Make More Sales & Get Better Qualified Leads

Find out if you can remove expensive bottlenecks and add a few extra zeros to your business account with AI.

Book a call here, so we can chat.

Make More Sales & Get Better Qualified Leads

Find out if you can remove expensive bottlenecks and add a few extra zeros to your business account with AI.

Book a call here, so we can chat.

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